Call (55) 5250-0123, the 24-hour hotline of the Mexican Ministry of Tourism.
They also have a national toll free number:
(01) 800-903-9200.
You can also call the Mexican "911": in Mexico City,
dial 060; in the rest of Mexico,
dial 066. In Mexico City,
dial 5346-8733, 8730, 8154, 8734 for police with English translators.
Call the Mexican Red Cross at 5395-1111, 5557-5758, 5557-5759, or 5557-5760.
While the service is free, the Red Cross does request that patients give a donation. The Red Cross ambulance will deliver the patient to the nearest Red Cross hospital, which provides basic care. The patient may then choose to be taken to one of the private hospitals listed in the "Illness/Injury" section if he/she has the necessary funds or insurance.