Ixtapa a resort town has number of attractions for the tourists with some of the more popular activities like scuba diving, surfing, and deep sea fishing. Ixtapa hosts a popular annual winter offshore tournament, held at the Port of Zhihuatanejo. StayReseMexico.com an online provider for hotel reservations provides with excellent hotels in Ixtapa so you can have a wonderful experience while in the city. With the hotels in Ixtapa you will find value of your money and time. We at StayResMexico.com will not let you down. Traveling on a shoe string budget or looking for a luxurious trip we will satisfy every need as hotels in Ixtapa caters to every bracket of people. Besides the listing of all hotel options you can get other information about the city, places of interest to eating and shopping places. So ours is a storehouse of information foraccommodation listing and more. Visit us at our site and get immediate response for any queries.